dijous, 13 de desembre del 2012


  10 little monkeys jumping on the bed                                                                Hickory dickory dock

dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2012

Animal description

Hello, this is a panda bear. Make a description of this animal following the examples in your book and notebook.
fur- pèl
dangerous- perillós

Days of The Week Song For Kids

diumenge, 2 de desembre del 2012

still life painting

this is a picture of Julian Merrow-Smit. Make a description using: THERE IS / THERE ARE / HAVE / HAVEN'T/ SOME / ANY.
pomegranate- magrana
jar- gerra
quince- codony
basket- cistella 
bowl- bol

I will correct them during the week.
Study and have a nice week.
See you!

to study